Tried and Found Wanting: "'There is not a credible example of having brought about a cost savings and insured everyone. We have seen that in TennCare,' Blackburn told me. 'I just find it unconscionable that they are not talking about the lessons that they learned from the TennCare experience, the lessons that are still being learned every day from the TennCare experience.'
Blackburn, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, one of the committees that have reviewed health care legislation, had a simple enough question for Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius. 'I would like to know what lessons the administration has taken from Tennessee's experiment with 'public option' health care; a program known as TennCare,' Blackburn wrote."
You don't need to point to foreign countries like Canada and Great Britain. Tennessee, Hawaii, and Massachusetts have already demonstrated the myriad flaws in the Dems health care proposals. And none of these systems is remotely the size of what Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are trying to ram down our throats.
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