Saturday, July 11, 2009

I See A Pattern Here

Ever notice how the left in America is pursuing policies that have already been proven failures? The Dems, flush with power, are hurtling toward a European socialist model that the Europeans are now backing away from. They are trying to impose on us the same type of socialized medicine system that has forced Canadians and Europeans to travel to America to find decent/timely healthcare. The want to adopt the fiscal policies of California and New York. They want to vastly expand the healthcare bureaucracy that has brought us bankrupt Medicare and Medicaid programs. The list goes on and on.

Add to the list binding arbirtration for labor disputes, as called for the in "Free Choice" (ha-ha) Act:

The 'Free Choice' Act and Binding Arbitration - "In 1969, the Wolverine State embraced a form of compulsory arbitration nearly identical to the one proposed in EFCA to resolve disputes with its police and firefighters. Years later, Detroit mayor Coleman Young -- who had authored the original law as state senator -- rued what he had done. 'We now know that compulsory arbitration has been a failure,' he lamented to the National Journal in 1981. 'Slowly, inexorably, compulsory interest arbitration has destroyed sensible fiscal management and has caused more damage to the public service than the strikes it was designed to prevent.'"
I guess the point I am missing is that there was actually never anything wrong with any of these policies. We just lacked a leader brilliant enough to implement them properly. Until now.

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