Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mystery - Where's The Screaming From the AARP?

GovernmentCare’s Assault on Seniors. - "Since Medicare was established in 1965, access to care has enabled older Americans to avoid becoming disabled and to travel and live independently instead of languishing in nursing homes. But legislation now being rushed through Congress—H.R. 3200 and the Senate Health Committee Bill—will reduce access to care, pressure the elderly to end their lives prematurely, and doom baby boomers to painful later years."
I remember the AARP looking to let blood over Republicans trying to slow the rate of increase in Medicare spending a few years back. Now Obama and Pelosi are openly proposing to cut massive amounts from Medicare reimbursements, and less openly proposing rationing health care, based largely on the age of the patient. I used to think that the AARP was just a shameless lobbyist that was out to steal money from the young and transfer it to the old. Now I have to conclude that, much like the ACLU, AARP is just a leftist organization. We need to organize an AARP for patriots.

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