Perry raises possibility of states' rights showdown with White House over healthcare | Top Stories | "AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry, raising the specter of a showdown with the Obama administration, suggested Thursday that he would consider invoking states’ rights protections under the 10th Amendment to resist the president’s healthcare plan, which he said would be 'disastrous' for Texas."
Apparently Gov Perry is one of the few state officials in the US who takes seriously his oath of office and the sovereignty of the state that elected him. This brings to mind an aspect of the ObamaCare debate that hasn't been front & center - the crushing burden of the President's programs that will fall increasingly upon the states in the out years. The federal government is essentially obligating the states to future state expenditures. Last time I checked, that was the sovereign right of the legislatures of the individual states. State officials who do not defend their citizens against such encroachment should be subject to removal from office.
also, the exemptions given to illegal aliens will fall disproportionately on the border states. You may ask, WHY would the administration bankrupt its own helathcare proposal by leaving out this significant cost-cutting opportunity? Why, as usual, it is politics, my dear, politics.