Ethanol's Grocery Bill - "Ethanol raises food prices because millions of acres of farmland and three billion bushels of corn were diverted to ethanol from food production. Americans spend about $1.1 trillion a year on food, so in 2007 the ethanol subsidy cost families between $5.5 billion and $8.8 billion in higher grocery bills."
The beauty of being a leftist is that you never are called to task for the "unintended consequences" of your noble deeds. Ethanol is a completely discredited "alternative energy" strategy. It is strictly designed to buy votes in the corn belt and contributions from mega-agribusinesses. The linked article talks about both EPA and CBO reports on the folly of ethanol as a gasoline alternative.
On top of the cost to the taxpayers of all the subsidies, we are paying BILLIONS more in our grocery bills. Where's the empathy in the administration for Americans struggling to pay their rising food bills?
The WSJ sums it up well:
As public policy, ethanol is like the joke about the baseball prospect who is a poor hitter but a bad fielder. It doesn't reduce CO2 but it does cost more. Imagine how many subsidies the Beltway would throw at ethanol if the fuel actually had any benefits.
If the above is true, why do the Dems continue to push this policy? I think you know the answer - every interference in the economy is a chance for statists to use YOUR money to buy votes and influence, and to further regulate your behavior and circumscribe your freedoms.
Hey, I just watched "V" for Vendetta.......
ReplyDeletewhat the heck do I know about stuff like this ?.......
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