Monday, June 22, 2009

Haste Makes Waste Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Why The Rush?: "A pattern is emerging for this new presidency. The more radical and far-reaching the plan, the less time the public gets to debate it. Is this due to ambition or fear of push-back?"...

Obama may act supremely confident, but his haste here suggests insecurity. He acts as if he believes his political capital is dwindling so fast that it will be gone by the end of this year.

A stronger leader would take his time. He would not fear being called a wimp for appointing blue-ribbon commissions, because such drawn-out deliberation is actually what the country needs. Health care and finance both need work. But the first step is to understand the problems and think through the possible solutions.

Obama needs to cram this socialist agenda down our throats before the American people catch on. We need to slow him down at every opportunity. The more people know these plans the less they like them. America is not ready for nationalized health care or a centrally-planned economy. Obama knows that - which is why he's in a hurry.

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