Busy Not Running GM - WSJ.com: "President Obama announced the bankruptcy of General Motors yesterday before GM's CEO even spoke, and the feds will soon own 60% of the company. But whatever you do, please don't think the government is now running GM."
This post goes on to describe how Obama, just a day ago, was on the phone assuring Detroit's mayor that GM would remain in Detroit. A great example of the largess that can be doled out when a government is in control of a major corporation. Other examples already seen or soon to be seen:
Forcing the banks you control to accepts a cram-down bankruptcy settlement so you can transfer their financial interests to your union croniesDoling out ownership interest in GM and Chrysler to the UAW in preference to creditors (including retirees, pension funds, thrifty individuals) who are contractually owed better treatment under the law.Ordering GM not to import cars into the US from its foreign operationsProviding specific tax advantages to consumers for buying one specific car (the Volt) from one specific manufacturer (GM)Locking in union wage agreements that are still not competitive with the rest of the worldProbably sweetening union wage agreements when they come up for renewal during the next election cyclePassing laws and regulations to try and force US consumers to buy the cars that Obama motors builds, but that no one wantsDoling out $10's of Billions more year after year to try and keep these companies afloatForcing Obama Motors to buy American parts and materials, even when they are not competitive in the marketplaceI could go on almost forever...
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