Apocalypse When?: "Well, thanks to a profligate federal government, which will double the national debt to $11.5 trillion in just four years, and a recession that has weakened federal tax revenues, we can no longer ignore the problem. The day of reckoning is at hand.
The Social Security Board of Trustees reported Tuesday that costs will exceed revenues in 2016 — a full year sooner than expected just last year. And total assets — including more than 70 years of 'surpluses' built up in the 'trust fund' — will be completely gone by 2037 — four years earlier than in last year's report."
It's as if good ole Joe, your trusty financial planner had set you up with an investment plan in your early 20's and now that you are in your 50's you have virtually nothing to fund your retirement and will probably have to work until the day you die.
Does Joe profusely apologize and propose a plan to try and make the best of the situation? Not if Joe is really the federal government. Instead of an apology, Joe insists its time for you to also turn over to him the responsibility for insuring and funding your health care.
I don't believe the American people are dumb enough to keep trusting Joe. But they are guilty of paying too little attention. That is why the Democrats are trying to pass off their nationalized healthcare strategy as "optional."
The other sneaky thing about this whole news item was the way the mainstream media echoed the administration spin. The spin made it sound almost as if Social Security and Medicare would have been on solid footing if it hadn't been for this pesky recession. That's a valuable spin on things for the Dems, because it takes people's eyes off the fact that these programs have been raped and pillaged for decades by big spenders in Congress. It has the added virtue that it enables them to blame the whole Social Security/Medicare debacle on the economic mess they "inherited from George Bush."
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