Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adding Insult to Injury Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Chump Change:
"The new $3.5 trillion budget spends $11,475 for each American; the cuts amount to just $55."...

Not that there haven't been significant cuts. There have been. Problem is, half of them come from Defense, which makes up just 20% of all spending.

We'll see a reduction in the number of air-carrier groups, lower funding for the F-18 Hornet and Super-Hornet fighters (in favor of the yet-to-be built Joint Strike Fighter, which is 40% over budget), and big cuts in missile defense.

Obama blow up the deficit and then wants to claim bona fides as a budget cutter for trimming 5/1000's out of his bloated budget. He also wants you to believe that he GREW the Defense budget, by covering up his cuts with a little accounting slight of hand regarding how Iraq and Afghan war expenditures are toted up.

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