The Obama administration is bold. It also is careless regarding constitutional values and is acquiring a tincture of lawlessness...Devastating column from George Will. He makes a great point. The Obama administration is holding California's federal stimulus funds hostage because Obama's sugar daddies - the public employee unions - are supposedly having their contractual rights stepped upon by the California state legislature (see my earlier post on the matter). Never mind mind that the contracts specifically leave an out for the state in dire circumstances such as these.
"The administration's central activity -- the political allocation of wealth and opportunity -- is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption."
On the other hand, his auto czar has engineered a massive transfer of wealth from investors and creditors of Chrysler to the United Auto Workers (see earlier post). This despite the fact that the investors and creditors have a legally binding right to stand in line in front of the UAW when Chrysler's assets are divvied up in bankruptcy. Apparently, it's not contracts or the rule of law that are sacred, it is the unions.
I shudder to think of where we will end up, as the administration is emboldened by getting away with ever more outrageous abuses of presidential power.
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