Saturday, April 25, 2009

This Foreign Policy Team Needs Adult Supervision Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The War On Terror Just Won't Go Away:
"how can we defeat them if we're on the verge of revealing dozens of photographs that purport to show U.S. military personnel mistreating captives in Afghanistan?

Surely, that will inflame Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan, making the job of our military now engaged in a life-or-death struggle for Afghanistan with the Taliban all the more difficult.

It will end up costing American lives. And for what? To score a few cheap political points against former President Bush's policy of pursuing terrorists to the hilt?

The problem is, the only reason Pakistan's government made a deal with the Taliban in the first place is, frankly, it doubts the bona fides of the Obama administration when it comes to fighting terrorism."

The same Islamic extremists we are fighting in Afghanistan edge closer every day to toppling a nuclear state in Pakistan, and we are going to assist them by supplying them photographs for their propaganda and recruiting, and by diverting the attention of our government from this imminent danger to focus on a partisan witch hunt over past policy disagreements. This administration is reckless.

1 comment:

  1. The ISI will get their hands on the photos and, even worse, the official memos (which they can modify and photoshop)and then Lashar-e-taiba will miraculously have them for propaganda purposes. Good cop, bad cop. Same mafia brotherhood.
