Monday, April 20, 2009

Dennis Prager Nails It!

I had some trepidation about my previous link, regarding, the President's dealings with Hugo Chavez in Trinidad and Tobago. I realized it was one of those "preaching to the choir" moments. I asserted that the President "doesn't get it" when it comes to understanding the influence of his office around the world. But I realized, that only readers "who get it" would have any capacity to empathize with my position, and the post didn't help people "get it."

Then, as I was listening to my prerecorded broadcast of The Dennis Prager Show (absolutely the best talk radio in America, I heard Dennis utter the most elegant illustration of the point. To paraphrase him, he said, "in order to understand the impact of the President of the United States going out of his way to warmly and exuberantly embrace Hugo Chavez, imagine the impact on a Venezuelan, who each day must muster the will and the courage to carry on in his resistance to the Chavez regime. How is that freedom loving Venezuelan going to feel when he sees this video?"

Brilliant. Get it?

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