Saturday, April 4, 2009

Stop ObamaCare Now!

Congress Balks at Barack Obama's Cap and Trade Proposal -
"The most important remaining fight this year is over health care. Democrats seem intent on trying to plow that monumental change through with only 50 votes, even as they negotiate to bring along some Republicans. We hope these Republicans understand that a new health-care 'public option' -- a form of Medicare for all Americans -- guarantees that the 17% of GDP represented by the health-care industry will be entirely government-run within a few years. This is precisely Mr. Obama's long-term goal, though he doesn't want to say it publicly.

If Republicans acquiesce, they will spend the rest of their days in public life raising taxes to pay for liabilities that will grow into the trillions of dollars. GOP leaders need to get out of the backrooms and start the same kind of public-education campaign on state-run health care that has helped to stall cap and tax and coercive unionization."
Obama and his team are clever - they make their healthcare plans sound so benign. But the taxpayer-supported "public option" is designed and destined to crowd out all the other "options." If your legislators are at all likely to consider this plan, you must barrage them with emails, faxes, and phone calls.

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