Review & Outlook: Elizabeth III - "We have here another end-run around Constitutional niceties so Team Obama can invest huge authority in an unelected official who is unable to withstand a public vetting. So a bureau inside an agency (the Fed) that it doesn't report to, with a budget not subject to Congressional control, now gets a leader not subject to Senate confirmation. If Dick Cheney had tried this, he'd have been accused of staging a coup."
Frankly, the amount of power vested in executive branch officials by recent abominations like TARP, Dudd-Frank, and ObamaCare is scary enough. But now, the Executive doesn't even deem it reasonable to subject these officials to confirmation by the legislative branch. How does that oath of office go, "I solemnly swear to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States..."?
And of course, the deafening silence of the MSM goes without saying...
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