Monday, August 24, 2009

Time To Cash In All Those Apology Tour Chits

U.S. Military Says Its Force in Afghanistan Is Insufficient - "BAGRAM, Afghanistan — American military commanders with the NATO mission in Afghanistan told President Obama’s chief envoy to the region this weekend that they did not have enough troops to do their job, pushed past their limit by Taliban rebels who operate across borders."

Now that we have a President who apologizes and sweet-talks our allies, certainly offers of allied support must be streaming in, right?

Putting that issue aside, I am concerned that we are in the equivalent of Iraqi pre-surge mode in Afghanistan, only Afghanistan is a much more challenging situation than Iraq. The President needs to put forth a strategy for winning in Afghanistan, or else stop putting our forces in harm's way. And while we are unlikely to see a surge in allied forces in Afghanistan, how about a surge in allied funding?

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