Saturday, July 18, 2009

Obama Trades Away Our Nuclear Security in Exchange for the Sleeves Off of Putin's Vest

Charles Krauthammer - Obama's Nuclear Arms Deal With Russia Is Plumage -- But at a Price - "Unfortunately for the United States, the country Obama represents, the prospective treaty is useless at best, detrimental at worst.

Useless because the level of offensive nuclear weaponry, the subject of the U.S.-Russia 'Joint Understanding,' is an irrelevance. We could today terminate all such negotiations, invite the Russians to build as many warheads as they want and profitably watch them spend themselves into penury, as did their Soviet predecessors, stockpiling weapons that do nothing more than, as Churchill put it, make the rubble bounce."

Read the column. The Russians are going to have to make the reductions called for in Obama's grand START accord, whether we agree to anything or not. They can't afford to maintain current levels. Any concessions from the US come at zero cost to the Russians. They do come at the cost making our nuclear deterrent less reliable.

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