Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Torture Memos - A Source of Pride

The Case for the ‘Torture Memos’ by Rich Lowry on National Review Online:
"The debate over the just-released Justice Department memorandums on interrogation techniques ended as soon as they were dubbed the “torture memos.” Forevermore, they will be remembered as the legal lowlights of a “dark and painful chapter in our history,” as Pres. Barack Obama put it.

Rightly considered, the memos should be a source of pride. They represent a nation of laws struggling to defend itself against a savage, lawless enemy while adhering to its legal commitments and norms. Most societies throughout human history wouldn’t have bothered."

Last torture post for a while, I hope. Read this important piece. The politics that Pres. Obama is playing with this issue belies his claims to be a uniter and non-partisan figure. But we already knew that. History will judge what he and his leftist cronies are doing now to have been far more contemptible than anything done by the Bush administration.

God bless all of those involved in these interrogations for caring enough to carefully consider and make the tough decisions, and do what they deemed necessary to defend our nation. Let's hope this episode doesn't discourage those we rely upon today and in the future for our safety.

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