"Mr. Quinn ran as Mr. Blagojevich's Lieutenant Governor on a platform of no new taxes. But now he defends his huge tax increase by saying this will only hit those who have the 'ability to pay.' Of course, employers and the wealthy also have the ability to leave -- which they have been doing. In the last decade 736,000 more Americans have left Illinois than have entered, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. Over the last six years, Illinois has ranked 45th out of 50 states in job creation, according to the American Legislative Exchange Council. In 2008, 175,000 jobs vanished -- a medium-sized city of lost jobs. Mr. Quinn's tax increase will mean 50% higher taxes for nearly every small business, subchapter S company and corporation in the state."
Another basket case Blue State that has only its own tax-and-spend, union-funded, one-party politics to blame. The beauty of our federal system is that citizens fed up with this kind of mindless big government agenda can pick up and move to another state - as Illinoisians have done to the tune of three quarter million people for the last decade. California has seen an outflux as well - if it weren't for the fact that their houses were underwater, Blue Staters would be pouring into Red States at even higher rates.
Now President Obama and the other Big Government Democrats in Washington are trying to turn every state into a California or Illinois, by doling out "stimulus" money to those states that put themselves on the hook for permanently and massively expanding their entitlement spending. Governors like Perry, Paley and Sanford are doing the only responsible thing they can do in turning away such poison pills from Dr Obama.
During his Presidential campaign, Rudy Giuliani joked, "if the US adopts a national health care program, where will Canadians go for their urgent health care needs?" Likewise, if we let the big spenders in Washington turn our Red States into spendocracies, where will fed up Californians and Illinoisans go to escape?
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