Saturday, November 26, 2011

Orgasmic spenders flirting with insolvency | debt, government, spending - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Orgasmic spenders flirting with insolvency | debt, government, spending - Opinion - The Orange County Register: "But don't worry. Aside from spending the summer negotiating a deal that increases runaway federal spending, those stingy, cheeseparing Republicans also forced the Democrats to agree to create that big ol' supercommittee that would save $1.2 trillion -- over the course of 10 years.
Anywhere else on the planet that would be a significant chunk of change. But the government of the United States is planning to spend $44 trillion in the next decade. So $1.2 trillion is about 2.7 percent. Any businessman could cut 2.7 percent from his budget in his sleep. But not congressional supercommittees of supermen with superpowers thrashing it out across the table for three months. So there will be no 2.7 percent cut."

'via Blog this'

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