Imagine Breaking Up The United States - "Picture an America that is run not, as now, by a top-heavy Washington autocracy but, in freewheeling style, by an assemblage of largely autonomous regional republics reflecting the eclectic economic and cultural character of the society."...
The anti-federalists lost their battle, but history, in certain respects, has redeemed their vision, for they anticipated how many Americans have come to feel about their nation’s seat of federal power. “This city, and the government of it, must indubitably take their tone from the character of the men, who from the nature of its situation and institution, must collect there,” the anti-federalist pamphleteer known only as the Federal Farmer wrote. “If we expect it will have any sincere attachments to simple and frugal republicanism, to that liberty and mild government, which is dear to the laborious part of a free people, we most assuredly deceive ourselves.”...
In a globalized economy transformed by technological innovations hatched by happily-unguided entrepreneurs, history seems to be driving one nail after another into the coffin of the big, which is why the Obama planners and their ilk, even if they now ride high, may be doomed to fail. No one anymore expects the best ideas to come from the biggest actors in the economy, so should anyone expect the best thinking to be done by the whales of the political world?...
So why not America as the global leader of a devolution? America’s return to its origins—to its type—could turn out to be an act of creative political destruction, with “we the people” the better for it...
I actually do not think it is necessary for the US to be broken up into multiple regional republics in reaction to the current frightening federal government power grab. We need only restore the rule of law and the rights of the states set forth quite clearly in our US Constitution. This could be achieved rather rapdily and peacefully if even a few states began to demand their Constitution rights and prerogatives be restored.
However, we are headed at breakneck speed down a road where the socialists and the big government accolytes in the Democrat party are expoiting their temporary ascendancy to try and emasculate the states and ensure a permanent federal leviathan. If they succeed in spreading the tentacles of federal power into states too deeply, a Consitutional option may elude us. In which case, a breakup is almost inevitable.
I cannot think of anything which will drive us there more rapidly than forcing fiscally responsible and productive states to fund the excesses and failed policies of failing states. The Democrats think they can do anything they want because they control the House the Senate and the White House. They should think twice before assuming that Americans are going to sit still for having their pockets picked by Washington to fund a transition to an America that our Framers would not recognize. In fact, to an America more like the sclerotic European Union than the United State of even fifteen years ago.
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