Gullible eager-beaver planet savers - Mark Steyn - "I’m always appreciative when a fellow says what he really means. Tim Flannery, the jet-setting doomsaying global warm-monger from down under, was in Ottawa the other day promoting his latest eco-tract, and offered a few thoughts on “Copenhagen”—which is transnational-speak for December’s UN Convention on Climate Change. “We all too often mistake the nature of those negotiations in Copenhagen,” remarked professor Flannery. “We think of them as being concerned with some sort of environmental treaty. That is far from the case. The negotiations now ongoing toward the Copenhagen agreement are in effect diplomacy at the most profound global level. They deal with every aspect of our life and they will influence every aspect of our life, our economy, our society.”"As usual, Mark Steyn's entire column is both entertaining and enlightening. Read it and weep.
...“The environment” is the most ingenious cover story for Big Government ever devised. You float a rumour that George W. Bush is checking up on what library books you’re reading, and everyone goes bananas. But announce that a government monitoring device has been placed in every citizen’s trash can in the cause of “saving the planet,” and the world loves you.
...At their Monday night poker game in hell, I’ll bet Stalin, Hitler and Mao are kicking themselves: “ ‘It’s about leaving a better planet to our children?’ Why didn’t I think of that?” This is Two-Ply Totalitarianism—no jackboots, no goose steps, just soft and gentle all the way.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
In Case You Need More on Copenhagen...
The RINO is out!
Republican Scozzafava Drops Out of New York Congressional Race - "Republican state Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for upstate New York's 23rd Congressional District seat, giving a possible boost to Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman against Democrat Bill Owens, Fox News has confirmed.
The move comes on the heels of a new poll that showed Scozzafava had fallen behind her two competitors in a close race.
The special election is Tuesday, and political analysts believe upstate New York could be a preview of congressional races nationwide in 2010 and 2012 as Republican leaders struggle to rebuild, redefine and regain control of Washington."
Take that Newt. We don't have to settle for RINOs. Only by running principled conservatives like Hoffman can the GOP take back the House in 2010.
Sign Up to Oppose "Carbon Reparations" and Violation of US Sovereignty
Unfortunately, with the current administration in power, it is necessary to go on the record for positions that used to be obvious:
1) The US should not cripple its own economy to fight fictitious global warming, particularly when giants like China and India have no intention of playing along (a position affirmed 95 - 0 by the Senate when presented with the Kyoto Treaty)
2) The US must not and cannot cede its sovereignty to any world body for any reason
3) US citizens must not ever be made liable to pay taxes to any world body, for any reason
All of the above are currently contemplated by the Copenhagen treaty
Follow the link above to take a stand against this monstrosity.
1) The US should not cripple its own economy to fight fictitious global warming, particularly when giants like China and India have no intention of playing along (a position affirmed 95 - 0 by the Senate when presented with the Kyoto Treaty)
2) The US must not and cannot cede its sovereignty to any world body for any reason
3) US citizens must not ever be made liable to pay taxes to any world body, for any reason
All of the above are currently contemplated by the Copenhagen treaty
Follow the link above to take a stand against this monstrosity.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Inescapable Allure of the Public Option
As we near the finish line on health care "reform" legislation, the Dems are converging on various flavors of "public option." The pundits are all weighing in on the political considerations driving this move (mollify the MoveOn wing of the party), and no doubt that has its role. But the real reason it has come down to the public option is that the public option is the only type of plan that Congress can rig to appear as if it is saving the taxpayer money. Only in a public option can Congress get the CBO to score fictitious savings that are written into law by fiat. For example, legislating a schedule of reimbursement decreases to health providers year after and then counting those "savings" as offsetting the massive costs of their plans.
I think almost all Americans know that such savings will never materialize. And in case anyone had any doubts just look at the "Doc Fix" bill that went down to defeat last week. The Doc Fix bill was a brazen attempt by the Dems to buy off doctors by cancelling out years of legislated reductions (aka "savings" of $250B) in payments to health providers. Year after year, Congress backs out the phony savings promised when they passed the bill, under pressure from reality as well as from special interests:
Rural legislators hated these legislated "savings" because it had the effect of greatly diminishing the supply of and access to quality health care in their rural districts.
For the "savings" to ever become real would require Congress and the President, year after year, to have the discipline and the integrity to follow through with the painful choices that need to be made, and resist the temptation to cave to special interests or to buy votes by reneging on their responsibilities. The sad history of our Congress clearly argues against our ever seeing any savings.
The Congress is not serious about fiscal responsibilities. It is telling you so by cancelling out Medicare "savings" at the same time it is telling you its new health care plan will be paid for through "savings" in Medicare. And the President is going along with this charade, all the while accusing his opponents of intellectual dishonesty. How stupid do they think we are?
I think almost all Americans know that such savings will never materialize. And in case anyone had any doubts just look at the "Doc Fix" bill that went down to defeat last week. The Doc Fix bill was a brazen attempt by the Dems to buy off doctors by cancelling out years of legislated reductions (aka "savings" of $250B) in payments to health providers. Year after year, Congress backs out the phony savings promised when they passed the bill, under pressure from reality as well as from special interests:
"Since its enactment in 1997 the so-called 'sustainable growth rate' mechanism [aka "savings'], which uses a complex formula to establishes annual target costs for physicians' services under Medicare, has not kept up with actual costs.
That's required Congress to step in almost annually with one-year fixes to prevent doctors from facing ever-bigger potential cuts in payment rates. The cut that loomed for doctors in 2010 was 21 percent. Without a permanent redo of the payment formula, Congress would presumably have had to continue to do one-year fixes, something that would also have cost money and that doctors hated because of the uncertainty involved."
Rural legislators hated these legislated "savings" because it had the effect of greatly diminishing the supply of and access to quality health care in their rural districts.
For the "savings" to ever become real would require Congress and the President, year after year, to have the discipline and the integrity to follow through with the painful choices that need to be made, and resist the temptation to cave to special interests or to buy votes by reneging on their responsibilities. The sad history of our Congress clearly argues against our ever seeing any savings.
The Congress is not serious about fiscal responsibilities. It is telling you so by cancelling out Medicare "savings" at the same time it is telling you its new health care plan will be paid for through "savings" in Medicare. And the President is going along with this charade, all the while accusing his opponents of intellectual dishonesty. How stupid do they think we are?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Great News! Taxpayer RIghts in Blue State America
..."voters in two liberal states on opposite ends of the country will also take up measures to limit spending. The outcomes will give us a clear sense of the public mood toward runaway spending.Deficit spending/public sector debt is the Holy Grail of issues for conservatives. We must put forward fiscally conservative candidates who can articulate the small government philosophy of the Founders, and who will stand firm against growth in government spending. If we do, we will win.
Maine and Washington are both more liberal and secular than the rest of the country. Barack Obama carried each state with identical 17-point margins, and both have powerful public employee unions that have driven up the cost of government to the point that a backlash has developed." ...
"A similar law, the 'Gann Limit,' passed in California in 1979. It helped keep the Golden State's balance sheet stable until 1990. Then Republican Gov. George Deukmejian teamed up with public employee unions to convince 52% of voters to fund a transportation spending package that slyly rewrote the spending limits, effectively emasculating them. Voters were left with the illusion that they still had a curb on spending when they didn't. California has since experienced three state budget crises as runaway spending combined with volatile revenues left it with junk-bond ratings on its debt and enormous future pension and benefits obligations. With a real Gann Limit, its budget would be balanced now.
If voters in Maine or Washington state pass a taxpayer bill of rights, it will be a clear sign that even in blue states the public is coming to believe that government spending is out of control and that elected officials can no longer be trusted to rein it in. That's a message that will likely reverberate in Congress regardless of who wins in the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races."
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Mark Steyn on The Nobel Prize Winning Presdient of the World - No Laughing Matter: "Obama’s priorities lie not in the Hindu Kush but in America: Why squander your presidency on trying to turn an economically moribund feudal backwater into a functioning nation state when you can turn a functioning nation state into an economically moribund feudal backwater?"
...Barack Obama will have history’s most crowded trophy room, but his presidency is shaping up as a tragedy — for America and the world.
Now that the world has a President, when will America get one?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
We Should Be Beating the Drum To Stop the Stimulus
Robert J. Barro: Stimulus Spending Doesn't Work - "The bottom line is this: The available empirical evidence does not support the idea that spending multipliers typically exceed one, and thus spending stimulus programs will likely raise GDP by less than the increase in government spending. Defense-spending multipliers exceeding one likely apply only at very high unemployment rates, and nondefense multipliers are probably smaller. However, there is empirical support for the proposition that tax rate reductions will increase real GDP.
Mr. Barro is a professor of economics at Harvard. Mr. Redlick is a recent Harvard graduate. This op-ed is based on a working paper issued by the National Bureau of Economic Research in September."
I believe that public disgust and anger over the $800B stimulus is largely responsible for saving us from ObamaCare. The President really shot himself in the foot backing that boondoggle. If he were as smart as people say he is, he'd call for the unspent stimulus dollars to be canceled. We all know they are not stimulating the economy. This research only confirms what we already knew. Canceling stimulus spending is the right thing to do and a political winner.
I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself
Holman Jenkins: Why Obama Bombed on Health Care - "The public is not as dumb as it's made out to be, and Mr. Obama's public option died a bipartisan death yesterday in the Senate Finance Committee. What's left is a package of 'reforms' that are mere trite extensions of what we've been doing for decades. That is, piling up mandates on private insurers and then lying that this somehow isn't driving up the cost of health insurance; piling up subsidies for health consumption and then lying that this somehow isn't responsible for runaway health-care spending."
Well said. Of course, I won't consider the public option dead until co-ops are also off the table.
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